The process of writing my book, Wandering the World, Experiences of an Adventure Traveler, brought back such vivid memories and the book received such great reviews and feedback from readers, that I decided to start this blog to continue to share my adventures. Some readers are also travelers
and my book spurs some of their own memories; others enjoy it as armchair travelers.
I will write expanded book anecdotes, with color photos that could not be included in the book. And I also plan to share new adventures, as my traveling days are not past! I organized the book chapters by the kinds of experiences I have had, rather than by country as most travel books are organized. So I will use those same categories for this blog:
Snow and Ice
People and Culture
Trains, Bikes and Automobiles
Architecture, Archeology and Artifacts
One of the fun elements of Wandering the World was including quotes at the beginning and end of each chapter that capture my feelings and motivations for those adventures, and I plan to add appropriate quotes here too.
As with the book, I hope reading these blog entries will encourage you to seek your own adventures, remember your own experiences and enjoy my stories to expand your awareness of the world.
I invite feedback from readers if an entry elicits reactions or memories or questions.
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Peggy Simonsen has been a sailor, skier, and nature lover most of her life. As the owner of an international consulting company, she has traveled for both business and pleasure, experiencing more than sixty countries and all seven continents. Now a retired widow, she continues to seek adventure in far-flung parts of the world with family and friends—not just to observe, but to participate in all life has to offer.
“Your cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore” - Andre Gide